Which main character from Henry are you?

Thank you for taking the quiz! Your answers have helped uncover which character you align with most. Each of these personalities has unique traits, quirks, and strengths that make them stand out. Whether you're bold and confident like Malcolm, sweet and caring like Liv, creative and passionate like Portia, sharp and unpredictable like Vivi, or thoughtful and loyal like Henry, there's something special about every one of them. Scroll down to discover your result and see which character matches you best!

This quiz consists of 14 different questions, each of which will net you +2 points in favor of a particular polling result. Let's find out which character most relates to you.

Created by: OliviaFan
  1. What would you rather do?
  2. Which of these foods would you most rather have?
  3. What’s the best place to go for a fun trip?
  4. What’s your favorite type of movie?
  5. Best way to handle stress?
  6. Which of these would you least rather have to put up with?
  7. How would friends most likely describe you?
  8. Which of these most accurately describes your emotions?
  9. How do you approach fashion?
  10. Which of these foods sucks the most?
  11. Which of these holds you back the most?
  12. Which of these activities are surprisingly good at?
  13. What's one thing you like about yourself
  14. Which relationship to social interaction describes you best?

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Quiz topic: Which main character from Henry am I?
