Which Loud House Kid Are You? | Comments

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  • Which Loud House Kid Are You?
    Your Result: You are Luna! 88%

    Luna is a rock star girl who isn't afraid to show her true colors. She doesn't care for following rules, and will sneak out if necessary to get what she wants. Luna has a huge heart for music and her family and friends.

    77% You are Lynn!
    73% You are Lincoln!
    69% You are Lisa!
    65% You are Luan!
    62% You are Leni!
    53% You are Lori!
    28% You are Lola!
    18% You are Lucy!

    Wow, accurate! This is a really accurate and good quiz! I think its accurate I love music but I dont listen to much Rock, I dont sneak out Im too young Im only 8. But this quiz is amazing I really hope I get a shout out because I play a lot of ur quizes.

  • Accurate, I am SO like Lincoln, me and him can be friends!

    Great Quiz!

    Sonic Tails Lf

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