Which Leucoma pipou are you?

This quiz is just for people that want to know what character they'd be in Leucoma, i guess. These ocs aremy property, they're mythological beings and children.

Please tell me your results afterwards, I'm on Instagram @lespipous and would like to know which character you got from Yu, Millesine, Coda or Noamie!

Created by: Elo
  1. Which do you prefer?
  2. What is your element?
  3. You have some hard homework tonight. What do you do?
  4. What do you wear the most?
  5. There's something on your mind. Do you tell your friends about it?
  6. Someone flirts with you. What do you do?
  7. Pain wracks your system. What do you do?
  8. In a dangerous situation, how do you react?
  9. What are your feelings about family?
  10. What would you rather do?

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Quiz topic: Which Leucoma pipou am I?
