Which L'manburg Founder are you?

Have you ever wondered which OG L'manburg member you are most like? Then this is the quiz for you!(This quiz is based off of the characters, not the content creators)

Only true Dream SMP fans will understand the significance of this information and the importance of the answer. Are you strong-willed and fiery like Tommy or logical and protective like Wilbur. Let's find out. Enjoy!

Created by: Sparrow_Heart
  1. What color do you feel drawn to the most?
  2. What positive trait would you say describes you the most?
  3. What negative trait would you say describes you the most?
  4. How well do you deal with pressure?
  5. What's most important to you?
  6. What kind of student are you?
  7. What is your favorite season?
  8. What is your favorite subject in school?
  9. What's your biggest fear?
  10. Do you like attention?

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Quiz topic: Which L'manburg Founder am I?
