Which KNY:Demon Slayer are you?

Which KNY/Demon Slayer Character are you? If you have watched KNY before, do this quiz! If you haven’t, why are you even reading this? Go do something else.

You have to answer 8 questions(the 2 last ones don’t have an effect). You will either be, Makomo, Sabito, Giyuu, Inosuke, Tanjiro, Zenistu, Shinobu, Nezuko, or Rengoku.

Created by: MangoBeanz2
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. What is your favorite drink?
  3. Which weapon would you have if you were a DS.
  4. What do people describe you?
  5. What is your favorite food?
  6. What do you do in your free time?
  7. BTW, what age are you?
  8. What is your gender?
  9. Fate
  10. Bye

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Quiz topic: Which KNY:Demon Slayer am I?
