Which Klien Sibling

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okay so this is a quiz about my 3 ocs the klein kids Alice,star and cam. I made this quiz out of sheer curiosity to see how your presonalitys match up with them

If you would like to see their appearance and find out more about them here is a my deviant art account: princesschobi1 hope u enjoy my quiz and please rate and comment

Created by: xcookiemonsterx
  1. Hello people of this quiz
  2. okay now pick a age any age...
  3. Now(oh god dont eat or stab me o.o fave colour
  4. weapon of choice
  5. sweets anyone
  6. U like dubstep
  7. okay What would you do if some random person came up and slapped u hard in the face
  8. typewriter oUo
  9. ok rp time(so theres one night every year where you lose yourself completley and destroy everything around you ex:blood moon. your best friend gets involved and you end up almost killing them, when you snap back to reality you see this and think theyre dead what do you do
  10. after what seems like a lifetime the put their hand in yours and say its fine...
  11. RP done now;takes ur cookie haha
  12. orientation(im not judgemental its fine)
  13. seeing anyone
  14. fave genre of music
  15. pick a childhood history leading up to your state now.
  16. alright pick a word and lets end this s---!!!

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