which kingdom hearts character are you?

did you ever wonder what kingdom hearts character you are? it has been a long time since kingdom hearts first came out. you must have been confused when more games came out.

do you have what it takes to take the quiz? well if you are wondering what kingdom hearts character you are well thanks to this quiz you can find out!

Created by: sora lover13
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what would you do if somone made fun of you?
  2. what if your best friend dissaperd?
  3. what's your favroite color?
  4. which wepon do you choose?
  5. what personality do you have?
  6. what ability would you have?
  7. what ability would you have?
  8. what's your favroite animal?
  9. what being in kingdom hearts would you be?
  10. what in kingdom hearts would you wear?

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Quiz topic: Which kingdom hearts character am I?