which kinesis do you secretly have

This is a quiz about which kinesis you have. Do you think you have the mysterious umbrakinesis, or do you have the active electrokinesis. Well, if you don't already know than this is the quiz for you.

this quiz consists of 10 questions, answer them as well as you can and you will get your final result. Also, these results might not be exact, and they are as close as we could get.

Created by: Lil' Bean
  1. whats your favorite color
  2. whats your hobbies
  3. how would you describe your self?
  4. do you like soap, or soap bars?
  5. whats your favorite animal?
  6. Whats your favorite subject in school
  7. how are you?
  8. whats your favorite type of cheese? (I don't know what I'm doing with my life)
  9. Do you like cows?
  10. did you like the quiz

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Quiz topic: Which kinesis do I secretly have
