Which key signature are you? (Sharps)

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This is the key signature quiz part two. You can go to part one (flats) by clicking on my account. You'll have to find it, though. It is called: Which key signature are you? (Flats)

That's all i got to say. Also if you are going into 5th grade, good luck my friend! I am also going into 5th grade! When this was made, at least. 2021.

Created by: grimmchild
  1. hello there
  2. How many pizza will you take
  3. Which key is best
  4. Which key is worst
  5. What is ur opinion on music?
  6. What is the first digit of your favorite number
  7. How about your favorite color.
  8. Do you like this quiz?
  9. Will u rate?
  10. Will u commet?

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Quiz topic: Which key signature am I? (Sharps)
