What is your signature candle scent?

Heeeey! Want to know what candle you should buy based on your personality? Well you picked the right quiz! Answer some personality-based questions and I will see what your signature scent should be.

Just a disclaimer: some of these questions and results are aimed more at girls and women. If you are a guy, you can most definitely take this quiz, but some questions may be more feminine.

Created by: Naya
  1. Why do you want a signature scent?
  2. Pick a favorite:
  3. Pick another favorite (if you don't have one, skip this question):
  4. What do you like most about spring?
  5. What do you want your signature scent to make you feel?
  6. Describe your personality:
  7. What will you do when you find your signature scent? (this matters, so answer honestly)
  8. How well do you think this quiz will work?
  9. If I were to tell you that this doesn't actually work, what would you say? (by the way, this quiz does work and this question is very important)
  10. What scent do you think you will get?

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Quiz topic: What is my signature candle scent?
