Which Keeper of the Lost Cities Character are You

Do you enjoy reading Keeper of the Lost Cities? If you do take this quiz please. Also take other quizzes because those are probably of a higher quality than this one.

Are you Sophie, Keefe, Fitz, Biana, or Dex? Gender does not matter. This quiz is probably terrible. Take it anyway! Especially if you are bored! You are welcome for a cure to boredom and a gateway to annoyance at inaccurate end results!

Created by: Eevee
  1. Who sounds like your ideal best friend? (and yes the options are the characters)
  2. Which of these sound like an ideal boyfriend/girlfriend? (again the options are the answers)
  3. Which ability do you want the most?
  4. Introvert or extrovert?
  5. What do you struggle with in life?
  6. Which person do you ship with Sophie?
  7. How many Elwins should there be?
  8. What color blue would your eyes be if you are an elf?
  9. What is your favorite side character out of these?
  10. What is your rating of KOTLC

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Quiz topic: Which Keeper of the Lost Cities Character am I