Which Karasuno first year is you soulmate (Very Short)

So this is like five questions. You get out find out which Karasuno first year is your soulmate. I don't really do well with descriptions. Also this is my first quiz so yeah

I need a second paragraph for this and I don't understand why. I doubt anyone actually reads this so what's the point but I need 150 characters.......

Created by: Midnight Dove
  1. What position would you want to play as in volleyball
  2. Which Haikyuu captain is your favorite
  3. Ok. I know everyone hates this question but..... what's your favorite color?
  4. What type of friend are you?
  5. What kind of date would you want to go on?
  6. What type of significant other are you?
  7. What kind of music do you listen to?
  8. What's your favorite thing to do
  9. Who do you want to get?
  10. Fate

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