Which is Your Morality Alignment? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz Which is Your Morality Alignment?
neutral good. cool
True Neutral, not a big surprise tbh.
Sander1 -
meh, sounds about right
asking for gender seemed pretty pointless, or atleast include non-binary folks
Its the default questions that come with some quizzes (the other one is asking for ur age)
i tied 88% with neutral and chaotic good
Your Result: Neutral Good
I'm happy with this. ^-^ Great quiz.Sashiku1 -
neutral good which alllllll my friends agree i am
Cats171 -
i think so, yes :0
The result, NE 88%. And you know what? It's right, f--- yall.
NE guy1 -
0% Lawful Good
Lmao I got chaotic evil 90%