Which instrument should you play in band?

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Are you going into your school band with no idea what instrument you should play? Don't worry! This is the perfect quiz for you. Just answer a few easy questions, and I'll give you a recommendation!

Disclaimer: Please take my instrument recommendation with a grain of salt. If you end up not liking the result you received, consider the 2nd place and 3rd place results as well!

Created by: grimmchild
  1. What sounds do you like?
  2. Do you want to be heard?
  3. How interested are you in band on a scale of 1-10?
  4. Will it bother you if you're left-handed and you have to play your instrument using mostly right hand?
  5. When you play, what do you want to look like?
  6. Pick a material.
  7. If you are a GIRL, are you a girly-girl or a tomboy? And would you like that to have a small effect on your instrument recommendation?
  8. If you are a BOY, do you try your best to be manly/masculine or do you not really care? And would you like that to have a small effect on your instrument recommendation?
  9. How many total keys/valves/holes/etc. do you want your instrument to have?
  10. How rich are you? (This is for if you're planning on buying/renting your instrument)

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Quiz topic: Which instrument should I play in band?