which immortalized georgetown 1L thing are you??

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hello my two friends. i made u a quiz because (in the words of lizzo) it's about damn time. i hope you enjoy it and are able to self reflect on these dumb--- questions i came up with so you can get an even dumber ass answer.

this was also done bc franky cancelled the midterm so shoutout my manz fr fr. have a great night and don't forget to tell me what result you get xx thanks luvs

Created by: glizzypain
  1. how would you handle someone almost plowing you over with a lime scooter?
  2. what about you stands out?
  3. MFK: generic quimbee video woman, amy coney barrett, canva if she was a person
  4. which of these TS eras are you most like?
  5. quizzes: take them or make them?
  6. who were u going to vote for in 2020
  7. which of lauren's cats do you more closely identify with
  8. how are you feeling bestie?
  9. do you prefer 1) being in the hot seat or 2) asking the person in the hot seat questions
  10. have you jumped a DC turnstile yet

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Quiz topic: Which immortalized georgetown 1L thing am I??
