Which Home Appliance are YOU?

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Today we will find out what appliance you are! Please answer honestly and truthfully. I will know what appliance you are based on your answers. Don't think I won't know.

I will find out what appliance you are and it will be quite easy. I can tell a microwave from a refrigerator easily. It is quite easy. Please do not try to fool me I will know if you are fooling me.

Created by: QuizMaster1538 of My website!!
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  1. How would you rather spend a hot summer day?
  2. What's your drink of choice?
  3. Would you rather:
  4. What's your favorite Game!
  5. Have you ever thought about?
  6. What's your favorite color!
  7. How old is your best friend?
  8. What's a good name for a dog?
  9. What's your favorite household chore?
  10. Did you like my quiz?

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Quiz topic: Which Home Appliance am I?
