Which Harry Potter next-gen character are you?

Hi! If your a true Harry Potter fan, and love the idea of Harry Potter next-generation kids, this quiz is for you. I hope you enjoy who your soul is. Are a inward Rose? Albus? Or a sweet Lily?

If your not a HP fan, take a hike. (P.S it's Fred Weasley jr, not Free) Anyway, enjoy this quick quiz. If you like my quizzes people, check out my other one, an Agatha Oddly quiz about the popular book

Created by: Madeleine Hatter
  1. The transfigeration teacher has left the answer sheet on the desk. Do you...
  2. Your best friend is being held captive, what do you do?
  3. What house are you in?
  4. You want to spend the day at Diagon Alley but your parents say no. Do you...?
  5. For your birthday you want....
  6. Your fave class
  7. Three words to describe you...(or if you aren't all of them ,choose one most like you)
  8. Your hero!
  9. Who would you most want to hang out with?
  10. If you have any HP parents who would it be?

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Quiz topic: Which Harry Potter next-gen character am I?
