Which harry potter couple are you most like

The golden trio were back at Hogwarts to do their seventh year since they spent their other one destroying hocruxes. "Stupid books," exclaimed Ron one evening when they were doing homework in the library. "I mean come on nothing is helping me with history nothing!" "Ron the answer isn't written there for you, you have to work it out," Hermione was exasperated with Ron just as much as her was with books. "How do you spell Wingardiumleviosar," asked Harry ignoring the bickering.
"W-i-n-g-a-r-d-i-u-m-l-e-v-i-o-s-a-r," spelled out Hermione. "Thanks." "Help me!" Ron called on from behind a tower of books. Hermione went to help Ron. In class Professor McGonagall announced a graduation ball for the first years to become seconds. "All years of all houses must come with a date, yes Mr Thomas." Dean had raised his hand. "What's the dress attire?" "Dress robes Mr Thomas." The class cheered. "Class dismissed," Later in common room. "Uh a ball, who you going with Harry," asked Ron. "Your sister." "Oh yeah I thought so." "How about you." "Got to pluck up the courage."