How Well Do You Know Harry Potter?

"There's no child in our world who does not know his name!" And that is indeed true, wise words from Professor McGonagall, herself. But there are some wizards and witches who beg to differ of knowing just the simple yet deep name "Harry Potter". After all, he isn't just a hero, but it's as if we know him, yes? We shall see. And I see it's time to prove if all those years studying with Harry, Ron, Hermione, and the rest of the students, were worth it.
Gather all witches, wizards, and muggles alike! I, myself, have challenged you (yes, you) to compete against Rita Skeeter, a reporter from the Daily Prophet, in a "trivia" I have created alongside the Golden trio to prove who knows Potter's adventures through the years the most. Though not the best of the hardest of questions, some may find themselves scratching their heads with their wands. So, let's see indeed, how well do you know Harry Potter?