Which Harry Potter character are you?

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Have you ever wanted to know which Harry Potter character you are most like we'll know you can will you be brave and loyal like Harry Potter or cruel and cunning like Draco Malfoy?

Some of the questions might sound a little bit strange but in the end it will tell you which Harry Potter character you are most like and I also hope you enjoy the quiz.

Created by: Hermione
  1. Which of these qualities suits you best?
  2. What is your favourite drink / potion
  3. What would you call a muggle born
  4. What is your favourite magical game
  5. What is your favourite Hogwarts ghost
  6. If you were at Hogwarts which pet would you choose
  7. Which two of these people would suit you best as your friends
  8. what is your favourite lesson
  9. What is your favourite teacher
  10. Did you like the quiz

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Quiz topic: Which Harry Potter character am I?
