Which Happy School Student Council Member Are You?

This quiz is about my GCMM series, Happy School. Take this test to find out who are you, if you want to know what’s this, search up: Offixal Sakura Gacha Club Wiki.

Nothing to say more, let’s just start the quiz. RULES: Please don’t comment. If you want to know about the characters, go to my wiki, Offixal Sakura Gacha Club Wiki.

Created by: Offixal Sakura
  1. You forgot your homework. What will you do?
  2. A Grade 2 kid gets picked on by a Grade 3 kid. What will you do?
  3. You saw a cute shark keychain. What will you do?
  4. Your teacher gave you a beautiful pink bow as a birthday gift. What will you say?
  5. A girl was playing with her phone in the library. What will you do?
  6. The new girl seems very lonely. What do you do?
  7. Your reading partner is a not so smart person. What will you do?
  8. You see a kid standing on the swings with muddy shoes. What will you do?
  9. You didn’t win the drawing competition. What will you say?
  10. Someone called you a shortie. What will you say?

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Quiz topic: Which Happy School Student Council Member am I?
