Which Halo Reach Character are you?

Do you love Halo reach? Well have you ever thought "i wonder which Halo Reach character i am."? Well this quiz will let you find out which character you are!

Their are six results, (One result for each noble team member) You could get Carter, Kat, Jun, Emile, Jorge, or Noble Six. Please tell me in comments after the quiz to see who you got!

Created by: AWESOME FACE
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your weapon of choice?
  2. What is your helmet of choice?
  3. Which Position are you in on the battle field.
  4. If you were out of ammo and had only covenant weapons on the ground, which would you choose?
  5. Which Vehicle do you prefer?
  6. Which Assassination is your best?
  7. What is your secondary weapon?
  8. If you were an elite, which armor would you have?
  9. Which color do you prefer
  10. What is your Personality
  11. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Which Halo Reach Character am I?