Which Greek Mythology Character Are You? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz Which Greek Mythology Character Are You?
Sorry dude, but what the crap? It barely seemed like half of it was even Greek. Tons of things were spelled and punctuated wrong. Zombies aren't even from Greek mythology! Nice job staying on track. Really appreciate it. Blah. xP
Which Greek Mythology Character Are You?
Your Result: You are... HADES!!! 93%Hades, feared God of the dead. You make everyone around you have the urge to serve your every command, watch over the souls, and, depending on what they've done, decide if they live happily, or get tortured with the several torture devices!
89% You are... HERMES!!!
57% You are... ZEUS
52% You are... A stupid mortal.
48% You are... KRONOS!!!
41% You are... HERA
36% You are... Narcissus!!!
28% You are... Poseidon!!!
26% You are... Hercules!!!
26% You are... Aphrodite!!! -
Zeus, hmmm I mean I would be a good ruler but I think if u had few more questions it might help narrow it down a lil more. Like I don't hate water but everyone knows u can't drown zombies!! :) I see other Zeus has a similar username, interesting.
Which Greek Mythology character are you?
Your Result: You are... HERMES!!!Hermes, God of thieves, travelers, merchants, pretty much anybody who uses the roads. You're a mischivious one, and are known as a thief. But your also known for your hospitality, and good nature.
Result Breakdown:
77% You are... HERMES!!!
63% You are... KRONOS!!!
61% You are... ZEUS
59% You are... APHRODITE!!!
48% You are... HERCULES!!!
46% You are... HERA
39% You are... HADES!!!
39% You are... Poseidon!!!
34% You are... Narsciscius!!!
22% You are... a stupid mortal.
Quiz URL: [no urls]Well, that makes sense. I mean, Hermes *is* my patron god.
Praise be to all the Olymians!
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Kronos, I am very mysterious,weird, revenge seeking and self reliant on myself. I don't think I'd eat my kids but I would kill my enemies with ease. Cool quiz anyways mate lol.
Your Result: You are... Poseidon!!! 74%
Poseidon, almighty God of the sea. Enemies with brother Zeus. I dont know why though, so don't ask me!!! You can jump in the water off a 50 foot cliff, survive, and escape from the crushing depths of the ocean, dry, and alive!
65% You are... HADES!!!
55% You are... HERCULES!!!
53% You are... HERMES!!!
53% You are... KRONOS!!!
39% You are... a stupid mortal.
32% You are... APHRODITE!!!
31% You are... Narsciscius!!!
8% You are... HERA
1% You are... ZEUS -
I got Aphrodite. No Athena!!!???? Come on! She's the best Goddess ever! And no Apollo either? He's the best greek God there is, second to Athena. Oh well. The quiz was still really fun so I gave it the top rating. :)
rinabear1 -
Im Hercules YES!!!!!
You are... APHRODITE!!
You are... HADES!!!
You are... a stupid mortal.
You are... KRONOS!!!
You are... HERMES!!!
You are... Poseidon!!!
You are... Narsciscius!!!
You are... HERA
You are... ZEUSi don't get how im second most like Aphrodite but whatever
I'm Hermes, probably cause Artemis and Apollo aren't answers.
Hermes, still if Nemesis was here.....
So, hey guys!! I've make a greek mythology quiz myself... It would mean a lot to me with you took it and left your opinion!! It is in my gotoquiz page XD Pleeeeese, take it!! XD Thankss
I agree, it is missing athenas ( I love her!!) and Artemis, apollo and probally a few monsters... it would make the quis look cooler...but it was a fun quiz
Poisedion- or something like that! COOL!
Yo! I'm Hercules! But I don't want to end up like him!
Lol I got stupid mortal...which is really ironic considering I LOVE greek mythology :P
Fun quiz, nice sense of humor by the way.
scorpion1 -
I'm a stupid mortal? -_- ah OMG!
LOL Hades P:
I'm a girl, not hurkulese... bbbbaaaadddddd spelling!
oh yea im a beast (i already knew dat tho) -
syn_x31 -
yay posieden:] dont get how mySecond is aphrodite im not stuck up but whatevs
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