Which God do you resemble ?

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Be truthfull and you are the only one who has to sleep with yourself tonight. This quiz has a lot of accuracy of the unknown . So trust on your soul and answer the first thing that you know you are.

Don't take more then 2 seconds for thinking and try to be in a comfortable state for this. Don't think and click the first thing you see .I have taken the modes of energy and human desires to calculate the subconcious.

Created by: Silssin
  1. If you see a dog dying of thirst in a hot day and you only have enough for yourself, What will your action be ?
  2. If you see your mother and father fight probably knowing it's Dads fault, What is your course of action going to be ?
  3. If you worked too hard to achieve a goal and someone interferes in the last minute spoiling everything, what is your action going to be ?
  4. If you know a person is going to be attacked and he is a normal friend, What course of action will you choose ?
  5. Which colour do you like most
  6. Which of these places would you spend your most of your time ?
  7. What is your normal course of action for annoying people ?
  8. Which of these objects do you find yourself in connection with ?
  9. You are given one wish, what is it gonna be ?
  10. If you could bring back anyone back from the dead, who will you choose ?
  11. What do you like to do when someone close hurts you ?
  12. What punishment will you choose for a person who has commited a crime ?
  13. If you became a god what will you wanna do firstly ?
  14. The world is in a brink of World war 3, you're a god what will your action be ?
  15. Youre a god, Choose one signature everyone will know you with

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Quiz topic: Which God do I resemble ?
