Which Girl Would You Date?

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In this quiz, you will find true love. Whatever you get well ultimately decides your future. Please beware, and don't pass out once you get your answer.

Anyhoo some of the options are very weird people, and the selection is limited but I think it is very accurate about your love life and can give you some very important advice.

Created by: ivypants
  1. What is your type?
  2. What color hair would you want the to have?
  3. Freind Guy: WHat are your thoughts?
  4. Shorties or Tall-ies?
  5. Do you even wanna date??
  6. What is your favorite thing?
  7. Who is the cutest girl in our class? (No effect)
  8. Where would you take "her" on yall's first date?
  9. What is her best feature?
  10. And her Worst feature..?

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