What do you know?

Okay....... are you ready to determine how smart you are? If you are press to take the test. Beware though that the test is not what you seem and only the smartest of the smarts will pass!

You think that a genius is some one that cold memorize 10,000 digits of pi, but you tend to miss the obvious. The true geniuses know what a trick is, how to out do it, and they know how to catch on! Beware of the test.... you might fail if you don't watch out!

Created by: Tori

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is the capital of USA?
  2. My Favorite number.... between 1 and 10?
  3. the star I hate most is... (is a girl and is 17)
  4. First President of the USA
  5. Who is a strong beleiver of "freedom of speech and opinion"?
  6. Who was the sixteenth President?
  7. How Many smiley or frowny faces? (=)=(=)=(=)
  8. How Many poems did Emily Dickinson write?
  9. How many inches are 300 yards?
  10. How much money did Tori Spelling's mom offer her to divorce Dean?

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Quiz topic: What do I know?