Which girl will you choose part 7

Your standing in frount of a huge mansion with 5 girls you all love but who will you choose to love. Chloe - the smart girl Pip - the athletic girl Lucy - the musician Bella - the beauty Hillary - the sexy flirt

Sneak peeks: the whole day with one girl. How many adventures will you go on. Ares you truely in love with one of the girls? And which girl will you choose?

Created by: Jackson
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. In the morning you wake up still naked before her and then she wakes up you guys kiss more and more. "What a wonderful way to start the day" she says You ______
  2. You guys kiss once more then get up and put some clothes on you only have 11 more days with the girls... Who do you think you need to get to know more
  3. You go downstairs to the kitchen and all the girls are awake "you only have 11 more days here" Lucy said "so everyday you will one of us to spend the day/night with" Bella adds "you can only pick us twice each" Hillary said "and on the final day we share the time" adds Pip "so who's today?" Chloe asks you. "Hillary" you say, sol all the girls go to a motel for the night/day. How do yo feel about this?
  4. You guys get ready a go to a restaurant for breakfast. You wear
  5. You walk to the car and you see her in short shorts and a small top. You guys kiss then go to a restaurant you order... (This dosn't count)
  6. After you guys eat you go home but on the way home you quickly rush into the shops, leaving her in the car. You buy a box of condoms. And get her..
  7. When you get home you give her the present you got her and rush into your room. You show her the condoms. And she looks
  8. She nods so you got into the bathroom and put one on when you go back in the room she's wearing nothing but a towel and high heels you get a huge Bonner but don't bother hiding it. You feel..
  9. You guys kiss until dinner... You feel her tounge touching yours and kisses taste like...
  10. You guys aren't hungry so you fall asleep next to her and wake up at 1:00 you wake her up and you kiss till 3:00 (still naked) until you fall asleep again.. You love ______ so far

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Quiz topic: Which girl will I choose part 7