Which girl will you choose part 6

It's coming to where you know the girls really well but you can only pick one. Who will it be.. Chloe - the smart girl Pip - the athletic girl Lucy - the musician Bella - the beauty Hillary - the sexy flirt

Who will you choose... On this part you have the times of the day which are. Breakfast, brunch, lunch, after lunch but before dinner and dinner 5 times and 5 girls

Created by: Jackson

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  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You go to sleep and in the morning when you wake up there's a note on your desk that reads: there are 5 of us and 5 times of the day which are breakfast, brunch, lunch, after lunch and before dinner and dinner. You will have a date with us all today so quick organise who you will see at what times. You feel
  2. For breakfast you choose Bella: You guys go to a restrusant and get pancakes then go to the movies and watch 'minions' you guys kiss the whole time... And you have your hand up her top. You rate your date
  3. You go home and pick up Lucy for brunch. You guys go to a amusement park. First you go on a Rollar costar then you both sign up for the kissing both. And luckily get paired together, you guys kiss forever and you feel you tounges touching... What do you rate your date
  4. For lunch you take out Chloe. You guys go to a ice cream place You order a banana split and she dips her finger in and you like it off. Then you go in a helicopter but you guys kiss the whole time and she had her hand down your pants. How do you rate your date
  5. After lunch and before dinner you take Hillary to the garden outside the mansion while you guys have some cheese and crackers. Then you take her into you bedroom and have sex on the bed for about 2 hours. How do you rate you date.
  6. For dinner you take Pip and make her a homemade dinner and she makes you desert the you watch a romance movie by the fireplace in the lounge. You guys watch half with her cuddled close to you and the other half your doing more then just kissing. How do you fate your date?
  7. After all the dates the girls play pater, siccors, rock to see spends the rest of the night with you... Who do you want to win?
  8. Out first is Hillary Out second is Pip Out third is Bella It's between Lucy and Chloe Out forth is Lucy And Chloe Won. How do feel about Chloe winning.
  9. You guys go into your room and watch a romantic movie on your Mac Book. As your watching the movie she puts her hand down pants and plays with you thing so you guys turn off the movie and fave sex and fall asleep next to each other. How do you feel when being with Chloe?
  10. Who do you love so far?

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Quiz topic: Which girl will I choose part 6