Which girl from Once Upon a Rider are you?

When you take this quiz, you will see what girl from Once Upon a Rider character you are. The choices are Madison, Gaby, Victoria, and Grace. I hope you enjoy it!

Once Upon a Rider is a wonderful series about horseback riding, and thanks to this quick quiz, you can find out which Once Upon a Rider haracter you are!

Created by: Madison of Which girl are you?
(your link here more info)
  1. What's your favorite color?
  2. What do you like to do?
  3. How would you describe yourself?
  4. What type of boy are you into?
  5. How do you like to ride horses?
  6. What type of hair do YOU want?
  7. How do you handle pain?
  8. What color eyes do YOU want?
  9. What's your dream?
  10. What quote do you want to live by?

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Quiz topic: Which girl from Once Upon a Rider am I?
