Which Gem are you? ( Diffrent AU )

This is not the normal crystal gems, this is from a diffrent AU where pearl, garnet, rose, and amethyst, don’t exsist. No copying. The next paragraph is by written by Blue Spinel.

This I an AU only me and my friend know, so these gemsonas are copywrited. You are not allowed to draw/share them and/or claim them as your own. We will come and track you DOWN.

Created by: MarcoPolo
  1. How do you start a conversation?
  2. Would power would you rather have?
  3. Would word pleases you the most?
  4. Descibe your personality...
  5. Favorite emoji
  6. Which weapon best suits you?
  7. Pick a color
  8. Which of these personalities do you most DISLIKE
  9. Pick ANOTHER emoji ( I know, these questions are killing me )
  10. Who do you think it your result will be? ( no effect )

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Quiz topic: Which Gem am I? ( Diffrent AU )
