what dictator are you?

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HELLO FELLOW PEOPLE WHO WISH THEY WERE IMPORTANT have you ever wanted to be president i mean who hasent sadly president have rules two but dictators oh thats a diffrent story

of course diffrent dictators have diffrent powers/standards some have limits some dont you wont be a dictator but if you ever plan on being evil lets see which dictator your most like

Created by: SmallySenior

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. you are given a gun one bullet what will you do
  2. the following countries are listed israel, south korea, haiti, america you can pick one to nuke with no consequences which one?
  3. /^\ /(0)\ /_____\ [CONFIRMED]
  4. World War III has started all countrys fight against eachother you are given the upper hand but need a good strategy what do you do?
  5. if you saw the answer to the previous question [no urls] that was a mistake trieing to send a link anyway heres the question who is politics do you stand by
  6. art isnt it wondeful
  7. 9/11 sound familiar
  8. what are your funeral plans
  9. the following last 2 questions wont affect anything sorry guys but im at school and running out of time
  10. there will be a part two continuing the questions make sure to keep track of your result

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Quiz topic: What dictator am I?