Which Game of Thrones House Do You Belong In?

The Great Houses are the most powerful of the noble houses of the Seven Kingdoms. They exercise immense authority and power over their vassals and territories and are answerable only to the King of the Andals and the First Men.

Each Great House rules over its territory and is responsible for collecting taxes and, in times of war, raising troops to fight for the king. Otherwise they are left to operate independently to simplify the ruling of the realm.

Created by: Frankie and Rowan
  1. Which quality do you value most?
  2. What is your greatest weakness?
  3. Would you consider yourself passive or aggressive?
  4. What is your medieval calling?
  5. What is the most appealing pasttime?
  6. What is your favorite climate?
  7. What is your favorite color combination?
  8. Which of the following objects represents you best?
  9. Which house words represent you best?
  10. Which of the Seven do you most identify with?

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Quiz topic: Which Game of Thrones House do I Belong In?
