What Game of Thrones House Do You Belong To?

There are many great houses in the world of ice and fire... too many to put in this quiz. Learn which house best suits your personality with this fun Game of Thrones quiz! (unofficial)

Answer each question honestly. Some present you with scenarios and others simply ask for your preferences in some regard. Answer wisely! Your legacy awaits you...

Created by: Madeline 13
  1. Choose a virtue you think you possess most.
  2. Choose a climate you'd most like to live in.
  3. What you rather invest money into, as a noble?
  4. You have angered another house by breaking off a marriage pact. How will you proceed with them?
  5. What ruling philosophy do you lead by?
  6. What animal do you prefer?
  7. Who would you have sided with during the Dance of the Dragons: Rhaenyra (the blacks) or Aegon II (the greens)?
  8. You are faced with a choice: a powerful house with five daughters has extended a marriage alliance to you, and you get to choose among them. Which of the daughters will you wed?
  9. What color scheme best suits your arms?
  10. What would be the best path towards increasing your house's power?

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Quiz topic: What Game of Thrones House do I Belong To?
