Which Fury are you?

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Which of the following Furies are you? Play this quiz and find out. The dragons will be explained... sort of in the paragraph below. Enjoy reading and the quiz.

Night Fury, Light Fury and two other Furies are in this quiz. The two other Furies quiz-takers are a surprise for you. Think of it as a surprise gift from me. Please enjoy.

Created by: Magic Jewel
  1. How loyal are you to your friends and or family?
  2. Do you have anger problems?
  3. Would you consider yourself a mean person?
  4. How easily do you trust others?
  5. Friend or foe of dragons?
  6. Do you like storms?
  7. You're favorite colour is?
  8. Favorite food? (If you were a dragon)
  9. Your parents are...?
  10. You're favorite dragon is?

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Quiz topic: Which Fury am I?
