Which HTTYD dragon would you ride?

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This quiz will tell you which dragon suits you best! The possibilities are the Light Fury, Night Fury, Deadly Nadder, Monstrous Nightmare, Hideous Zippleback, Gronckle, Rumblehorn, Stormcutter, and Hotburple.

Remember, the result you get does not suggest anything about you personally, so please don't take offense! Good luck, and please enjoy! (need a few more characters)

Created by: Lunette
  1. Which is your ideal armour colour pallette?
  2. Which dragon is your favourite?
  3. What would be your favourite food as a dragon?
  4. Which superpower would you like to have the most?
  5. What would be you and your dragon's favourite activity?
  6. Which would you like to breathe?
  7. You see a trapper in need of help. You...
  8. Which element would you prefer?
  9. Pick a character:
  10. Last but not least, did you enjoy?

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