Which Fury are you???

I hope you like this quiz, and like the Fury you get from it, the next paragraph will tell you what the Dragon Fury Tribes are. This Quiz will also test if you're loyal to others

This Quiz will have a Rider, a Light fury, A Night fury, A Nightlight fury, A Storm fury, and the Death fury. Each of these dragons will prove to your friends is you are loyal or NOT!

Created by: Kymbra
  1. Can you Trust your friends?
  2. Can your friends trust you?
  3. Do you eat fish, chicken, bunnies, wolves, or...
  4. Would you save your enemy?
  5. Where would you live?
  6. If you found a lost dragon in your forest would you help them or not?
  7. If someone you trusted betrayed you how would you act when they asked for help?
  8. If you like a dragon what tribe would he/she come from
  9. what gender would you like?
  10. what tribe would you like to be in?
  11. Will you rate this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Which Fury am I???
