Which Footballer are you?

You know, There are many players in the world. Most people love Lionel Messi Or Falcao, etc. It's okay if You love a very famous player, But lets see if you really love their tactics!!!

Let's check!!!

Created by: Oriko!
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you take your shirt off to celebrate?
  2. You are 20 Metres (22 Yards) from the goalie , no players around. Do you...
  3. How do you take your free kicks?
  5. Aggresive sometimes? Do fouls? Do people do fouls on you?
  6. What's your part in the game (Out of these)
  7. Favourite?
  8. WHO?
  9. Attackers should...
  10. Which Of these defenders are the best tactical players?
  11. A common foul is..
  12. If you were a midfielder, Which type were you?
  13. Favourite Tactic For Atlético de Madrid!

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Quiz topic: Which Footballer am I?