What footballer are you?

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This is a quiz for fun.Here you can see what very known footballer are you. Please,answer sincerly to this questions,i dont like cheaters.If you love football,you are my brother

Just 10 questions,i dont like tests with many questions,just answer them :).If you liked , wait for other quizes from me,oh and one more thing,football is just a passion.

Created by: Tony Stark
  1. How do you describe yourself?
  2. How fast are you?
  3. Which club team would you like to play?
  4. In your team,you are considered:
  5. Who is your favourite legendary player?
  6. What is your favourite pozition?
  7. What is your dream?
  8. How do you play football?
  9. What type of player are you in your team?
  10. What is your favourite celebration?

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Quiz topic: What footballer am I?

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