Which Footballer Are You?

Are you a top footy player? Would you like to find out who you are? Look and take the quiz now, it will tell you the answer!

Thanks for taking interest in this quiz. You know you will get matched to one of the great footballers of all time!

Created by: usman mubarik
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What are you? In position after goalie.
  2. What number would you wear on your kit?
  3. What is your best football skill?
  4. What is the best car?
  5. Which is your team?
  6. Best cricket country.
  7. Favourite footy country.
  8. Best city out of these?
  9. What is the best colour?
  10. Best hair colour?

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Quiz topic: Which Footballer am I? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Soccer Quiz category.