Which football player u like the most

Are you a good footballer ,can you become like ronaldo or messi ,you will soon find in this quiz . So good luck for this extraordinary quiz and i Ranveer will be there for you in comments

If you are a genius ,you can also be a footballer or probably you want to be one ,. So you can test who player you are likely to be . Yo could be any player

Created by: Ranveer Sankar

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Do you like football ,as a game
  2. Do you like football players
  3. Which of the following players you like the most .
  4. Which of the following team is the best for you .
  5. Which of the following country team is your favourite
  6. Do you know Ranveer personally
  7. Do you want to become a footballer
  8. Which pos of football you like the most
  9. Are you a ronaldo fan
  10. Are you worried about results

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