Which food would you be?

Your all done with the quiz! The results may not be exactly right but i tried my best, sorry if you dont like your resluts. I tried my best! Thanks for taking!

oh and im glad your a human and not actually a food cuz if you were one of these foods i would have eating you by now x) yep thx for taking the quiz get ready for the next one

Created by: secret
  1. Is there anything that keeps you from eating certain foods?
  2. From these, choose one that is your fave type of song?
  3. Whats your favorite thing to do in your spare time
  4. how many friends do you have
  5. Introvert or extrovert?
  6. best name (i dont think a lot of people have these names in real life but whatever and also some of them r real names)
  7. i dont know what to do for the rest of the 4 questions i needa complete so ima just put random stuff u can pick anything it wont affect ur score
  8. continued from question 7
  9. continued from question 7 still
  10. last question continued from 7

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