which FNAF character are you?

this is my first quiz so don't be harsh about it being so bad. there will be ten questions and please answer truthfully not by what you wana be!. i spent a lot of time working on this

please comment on what quiz i should do next! you can ask me to make another what character are you but make sure to add what video game the characters from!

Created by: stacy
  1. are you a fan of fnaf?
  2. what is your fav FNAF character out of these 4
  3. what is your fav food
  4. what is your fav colour?
  5. what is your fav activity?
  6. what is your fav clothing?
  7. what describes you most?
  8. how popular do you think you are?
  9. what job would you have out of these?
  10. its the end of the quiz now what did you think?

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Quiz topic: Which FNAF character am I?
