Which FNaF 4 Bully likes you :o

WHICH FNAF 4 BULLY LIKES YOUUU CLICK THIS QUIZ TO FIND OUTTT WHY HAVEN'T YOU CLICKED THE QUIZ YET D: click it plz pretty please with an ice cream sundae on top :

btw I am Sandy the guy married to Michael: BIO: Gender: Boi Age: 27 Species: Son of Satan (Devil) Powers: idk all I guess- Likes: Tormenting people, Michael, animatronics, and other SHTUFFF Dislikes: Voice answering machines (Alexa, Siri, etc.) Personality: Depressed ;v; , Sadistic, Sarcastic, sometimes mean

Created by: Sandy
  1. *captures you* Hi, I'm Sandy :D I'm already married to Michael Afton, but ignore that! I HAVE CAPTURED YOU NOW TAKE THIS QUIZ >:) Michael: FIRST QUESTION DO YOU HAVE ANY SIBLINGS
  2. Me/Sandy: OKAY MIKE YOU HAD UR FUN D:< Mark: MY TURN NOW >:) If you were an Afton who would you be :o
  3. Me/Sandy: wHy iS yOu bIsHEs tAkInG mE jOb?Frederick: WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE AFTON
  4. Simon: Which mask do you like the most?
  6. Me/Sandy: okay last question Michael: d-did you ever think you were c-capable... *SNIFFFFF* o-of k-killing y-your sibling... *criiii*Me/Sandy: it's okie Mikey it was an accident :(
  7. Okie Bye!!!! everybody: BYEE
  8. Me/Sandy: lol just kidding. there's still more. there had to be more I'm sowwy :>
  9. Michael: Would you rather be an Angel With a Shotgun, or a Devil who can't fly :o
  10. okay, this is the real last question: Would you rather be called Eggs Benedict or Walking Grape?
  11. BYE NOW

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