Which FNAF Song Are You?

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Hi everyone! Have you wondered which FNAF song YOU are? Let's find out by doing this fun quiz! Please don't be suprised if your result is inaccurate :)

I hope you enjoy! Just so you know, I accidentally clicked the 'Yes let's go!' Button and now there are only 5 results, ok? But don't worry! It will be fun either way, right?

Created by: Sen_Si
  1. What's your fav color?
  2. How would you describe yourself?
  3. How do you handle someone bullying someone else?
  4. What's your fav animal?
  5. Do you like my quizzes?
  6. Which version are your fav FNAF singers? (I like them all.. Idk about Springtrap... oh well...) If none/other/all, skip.
  7. Who's your fav out of these?
  8. Pick a face, I don't know, running out of ideas...
  9. Which are you?
  10. Pet peeve?
  11. Favorite food?
  12. Which version of animatronics do you hate?

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Quiz topic: Which FNAF Song am I?

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