Which Famous Football Club Should You Root For?

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Hello! This quiz is for the new football fans who would like to choose a team to support but they don't know which one. There are 7 questions! The last 3 are for determining the club suited for you! I hope you'll gonna like it!

Make sure you are concentrated when you take the quiz! Don't rush the process and take time to think it through. Believe me:the result is going to be as accurate as possible!

Created by: cassievictory2
  1. Which country do you live in or would you like to visit in the future?
  2. Would you like to support a very very popular team?
  3. Which style of play do you like the most?
  4. Which logo do you like the most?
  5. Which mascot do you like?
  6. Which team's anthem do you like the most?
  7. Who is your ultimate role model?
  8. Would you support a very controversial football team?
  9. Which nickname do you like the most?
  10. Which rivalry between teams do you like would you discuss about?

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Quiz topic: Which Famous Football Club should I Root For?
