Which Existentialist Philosopher are YOU?

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Existentialism is a branch of philosophy that highlights individual freedom, choice, and responsibility, and urges people to challenge the assumptions and beliefs that influence their lives. As an individual, existentialism is relevant in several ways. It emphasizes the importance of recognizing one's ability to shape their own life through individual freedom and choice. It also stresses the significance of personal responsibility and the consequences of the choices one makes. Existentialism encourages self-reflection on the purpose and meaning of life, providing a guide for questions we all have at some point- such as "What is the meaning of my existence?" and "What values do I hold dear?". Existentialism also acknowledges that living an authentic life can be challenging, especially in a society that pressures individuals to conform to societal norms and expectations. Overall, existentialism encourages people to question their assumptions and beliefs, recognize their freedom and responsibility, and pursue meaning and authenticity in their life. Existentialism won't give you a clear yes or no answer, but it will provide you with perspective on how to think about these questions, and reframe feelings of inevitable human conditions like anxiety and despair, allowing you to learn about yourself.

This quiz will determine which existentialist philosopher your answers are most similar with from the following options: Friedrich Nietzsche, Simone De Beauvoir, Albert Camus, Martin Heidegger, Soren Kierkegaard, and Jean Paul Sartre. This answers are weighted on a points scale of -4 to +6 since there isn't necessarily a black or white answer for the philosopher's for each of the questions.

Created by: Grace Tauber
  1. How do you live your best life?
  2. Choose a color
  3. Choose a place
  4. Are you Religious?
  5. Do you think the concept of God interferes with individual freedom?
  6. What is your relationship status?
  7. Do you see consciousness as distinct from other things?
  8. Politics?
  9. Choose a hero
  10. Do you take action to fight systemic oppressions to achieve justice? Such as attending protests, or being apart of a related student organization?
  11. Choose a superpower
  12. What musical genre are you listening to right now?
  13. What do you want from other people?
  14. Are there any answers?
  15. What is the most relatable to your current relationship with commitment?

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Quiz topic: Which Existentialist Philosopher am I?
