Which Encanto triplet are you?

This is an Encanto quiz! (If you can’t tell already) so yeah. But instead of all the characters you’re finding out which of the TRIPLETS you are!! That’s Pepa Julieta and Bruno :)

So what are you waiting for? Take the quiz!!!!!!! Also I want to know what you got so pls comment it! :>>>>>>>> ALSO congrats on actually finding this quiz :]

Created by: Macadonia/EmerginiYT
  1. What do you like to do?
  2. What’s your favorite color? (out of the choices not out of all)
  3. What do you talk about with your friends?
  4. Which is your favorite character lol
  5. What’s your favorite Encanto song?
  6. Which gift do you want? (Out of the 4)
  7. Which gift do you REALLY NOT WANT?
  8. What clothing style do you prefer?
  9. Which is your favorite triplet child?
  10. Hope you liked this quiz! (answers do not change score)

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Quiz topic: Which Encanto triplet am I?
