Which Encanto Grandkid Are You?

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If you have seen 'Encanto', you know that it is like the best movie ever made! No joke! If you want to know what grandkid you resemble, you have come to the right place!

I have all of the grandkids, Dolores, Camilo, Antonio, Isabella, Luisa, and Mirabel. I hope that you are the character that you want to be! Please enjoy!

Created by: Jaqueline
  1. Would you want to be the oldest child?
  2. Would you want to be the middle child?
  3. Would you want to be the youngest child?
  4. Do you like to hear what is going on around town?
  5. Would you want to be another person for a few minutes?
  6. Do you lower flowers?
  7. Would you like lifting things imaginable?
  8. Would you want to be powerless and be a blank slate?
  9. Are you a girl or a boy? Doesn't affect your score. ;)
  10. What is your age?

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Quiz topic: Which Encanto Grandkid am I?
