Which eeveelution are you?

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Have you ever wondered what eeveelution you would be if you had just evolved from eevee? Well then find out with this quiz. And if you don't like your result just take the quiz again submitting different answers.

Are you the ice type Glaceon or the fire type Flareon? Or maybe you're the psychic type Espeon? Or perhaps the dark type Umbreon or you could be the grass type Leafeon there are also 3 other outcomes.

Created by: Mars
  1. What is your favorite Pokemon from the ones listed?
  2. What eeveelution do you want to get?
  3. Do you watch Pokemon?
  4. Do you play any of the Pokemon games?
  5. Do you collect the Pokemon cards?
  6. What is your best quality from the following?
  7. What do you like more dogs or cats?
  8. What is your favorite anime out of the following?
  9. What is your favorite animal from the ones listed?
  10. How many siblings do you have?

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Quiz topic: Which eeveelution am I?
