Which Edelantan are You?

Edelantans are the residents of Edelantis. But which one are you? Are you confused, tough, kind, silly, or cowardly? What powers do you have?

Are you Mick, Tessa, Tarrah, Lula, Nanna, Jen, Alice, Zac, or Ramsey? Take this quiz to find out! And welcome to Edelantis!

Created by: Myranda Dillon
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If you were an Edelantan, which kind would you want to be.
  2. If you were a demigod, who would your Greek god parent be
  3. Which faction?
  4. Which house?
  5. Eye color?
  6. Hair color?
  7. Freckles?
  8. Glasses/Contacts?
  9. If you could save one person from the dungeon, you would save
  10. Who do you live with
  11. Where would you put your rebel "X"
  12. If a centaur told you he knew you were a rebel you would...
  13. If you and the dictator were alone, you would...
  14. Who would you choose to fight with?
  15. Which side character would you like to befriend?
  16. Which character is your least favorite? (See next question, if it's one from that question say "none of these"
  17. Same as last question
  18. Rate your bravery from 0-5

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Quiz topic: Which Edelantan am I?